14 Jun 2021
Rules of the Road

To avert injuries and save lives, PennDOT instituted the Steer Clear law that requires drivers to give space or lessen their speed when they are in the presence of any emergency scene, a traffic stop or with a disabled vehicle. Simple as it may seem, it will only be effective if motorists follow the law […]

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13 Jun 2021
Red Hill District Court 38-2-02

If you have been summoned to appear in your local district court in Montgomery County, you need to prepare your defense with the assistance of an experienced lawyer. The types of cases handled in district courts, which are also called magisterial courts, may be referred to as “minor” offenses, but they can have serious effects […]

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11 Jun 2021
Using license plates to track location of owners

This is alarming news for people in the U.S. as a research group discovered that millions of number databases nationwide are keeping details of location of Americans; not just from government agencies Americans are losing their privacy as their movements are tracked down using the automated scanning of the license plates of their cars. This […]

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8 Jun 2021
Secane District Court 32-2-52

District courts can be found throughout the state of Pennsylvania -- in fact, Delaware County alone has thirty two district courts that each serve different areas within the county. There is a need for this many district courts, because they handle the most common kinds of cases and offenses. For example, district courts deal with […]

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7 Jun 2021
Bicycle Safety Law

April 1, 2012 Riding a bicycle is opened to greater risk than a car since the bike rider’s body is exposed to danger. Every biker is responsible for his/ her own personal safety and must always be alert and focused on the conditions of the roads or trails. The number one rule for safety is […]

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PA 19102
2451 North 54th Street
PA 19131
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