Weatherly Traffic Ticket Lawyer

It is always stressful and frustrating to get a traffic ticket, and for good reason. If you have been caught committing a traffic violation in Weatherly, you can face some pretty serious penalties for your traffic violations, penalties that accumulate and can follow you for years because they stay on your record. This means that a lot of people decide to not simply pay their fine and assume that will take care of their ticket, because there are other penalties aside from the fine that go with traffic tickets issued in Pennsylvania. If you choose to take the route of pleading not guilty to your traffic ticket and having the case heard in court, you will need to get in touch with an experienced Weatherly traffic ticket lawyer to help you present a strong defense before the judge.

Your traffic ticket case will be heard in front of the judge in the Carbon County district court that hears cases from Weatherly ( But know that the police officer who wrote your ticket will also be in court telling their side of the story, and judges are often more willing to believe them than to believe someone who comes to court with superb legal representation. In fact, most people who go to traffic court without a lawyer will lose their case. But calling a Weatherly traffic ticket attorney will greatly improve your chances of having your ticket dismissed or at least having the penalties that go with it reduced. But what does your lawyer have that you don’t? Aside from experience handling traffic tickets and a knowledge of the local courts, they will have the legal expertise to build a strong defense to counteract the story of the police officer, as well as access to the right kinds of evidence to support their argument. For example, they can show that the radar gun or traffic camera that caught you had a false reading, or that the police officer operating the speed gun did not have the appropriate training. There are several other strong defenses for people accused of committing traffic violations, so call your lawyer in plenty of time before your court date to start preparing.

You may be wondering why it is worth your time to go to court. The simple reason is that the penalties that go with traffic violations in Pennsylvania will stick with you for years and have negative consequences for you. Except for DUIs, whatever violation you committed will not only usually a fine associated with it but will also have a certain number of points that will go on your Pennsylvania driving record. As those points add up, so do the results. Six total points on your license will require you to take a test about safe driving and Pennsylvania traffic laws. Six more points will require not only the test but a hearing, where they will decide whether or not to suspend your license for fifteen days. And a third time you get six points means you will have your license suspended for a whole month, keeping you from driving yourself around freely for thirty days. The reason DUIs are a little different is because they do not add points to your record, but the penalties are still extremely harsh. For your first DUI, you will have to spend six months on probation, attend mandatory alcohol treatment and traffic school, and pay a $300 fine. If this is not your first DUI, or if your blood alcohol content was very high, the fines will increase and you will spend time in jail.

If you decide that these penalties are not worth facing, call your Weatherly traffic ticket lawyer today. They can help create a strong defense when you go to court so you can face less of these harsh penalties or even avoid facing all of them by having the ticket dismissed.

Contact Our Traffic Lawyers

Start Your Case Today

Our Traffic attorneys may be able to eliminate the penalties and fines resulting from a citation. For a free consultation, please contact us.
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1500 John F Kennedy Blvd #553
PA 19102
2451 North 54th Street
PA 19131
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